Lambda Quodanis

Pardus automapper home NEWS

(For AP calculator: Select drive speed, click on a tile, click on another tile)
1.! Space dragon, Young 
2008-06-15 15:51:01...! Space dragon, Young 
2008-06-15 15:51:01....Jump to SQ2-474 
2009-04-27 16:05:18......1
2.! Space dragon, Young 
2008-06-15 15:51:01.! Space dragon, Young 
2008-06-15 15:51:01...............2
3.! Space dragon, Young 
2009-04-27 16:08:30.................3
5.! Space dragon, Young 
2009-04-27 16:08:30.................5
9Military outpost 
2009-04-27 16:08:30Military outpost 
2009-04-27 16:08:30Military outpost 
2009-04-27 16:08:30..................9
10.................! Space dragon, Young 
2009-04-27 16:05:58! Space dragon, Young 
2009-04-27 16:06:17..10
11..................! Space dragon, Young 
2009-04-27 16:06:17..11
12Jump to Diso 
2009-04-27 16:09:07....................12
16..! Space maggot 
2009-04-27 16:06:50! Space maggot 
2009-04-27 16:06:50! Space maggot 
2009-04-27 16:06:50..........Military outpost 
2008-06-15 15:53:53......16
17...! Space maggot 
2009-04-27 16:06:50! Space maggot 
2009-04-27 16:06:50.! Space maggot 
2009-04-27 16:06:50........Military outpost 
2008-06-15 15:53:53..Jump to Fainin 
2007-12-25 11:01:16...17
18..! Space maggot 
2009-04-27 16:06:50! Space maggot 
2009-04-27 16:06:50.! Space maggot 
2009-04-27 16:06:50...! Space maggot 
2008-06-15 15:51:20.! Space maggot 
2008-06-15 15:51:21! Space maggot 
2008-06-15 15:53:38..Military outpost 
2008-06-15 15:53:53......18
19........! Space maggot 
2008-06-15 15:51:20.! Space maggot 
2008-06-15 15:51:21...........19
20.............! Inexperienced pirate 
2008-06-15 15:53:53........20

(last generation: Tue Mar 29 02:02:16 2016)